Albini Energia takes part in Odysseus 2016
Albini Energia took part in “Odysseus: navigare nelle idee” (V° edition), innovation award promoted by Confindustria Bergamo (Italian Industrial Federation).
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Albini Energia took part in “Odysseus: navigare nelle idee” (V° edition), innovation award promoted by Confindustria Bergamo (Italian Industrial Federation).
Albini Energia was the star of ITMA 2015, the largest international exhibition of textile machinery.
In partnership with Sinergia and Energy Team, Albini Energia organised a conference dedicated to energy efficiency.
Albini Energia allows each customer to experience the full potential of the heat exchanger, with a free trial.
Albini Energia took part in “Odysseus: navigare nelle idee” (V° edition), innovation award promoted by Confindustria Bergamo (Italian Industrial Federation), for the categories “Product innovation and use” and “Process innovation and smart factory”.
In the first category, Albini Energia presented his own project to recover heat from dyeing waste water, thanks to installation of patented self-cleaning heat exchanger, created for textile factories. Click here to discover more.
In the second category, Albini Energia presented an intervention designed for automation and management of fabrics mercerizing processes; it allowed to control all technological procedures and to reach the best flexibility in use and process settings.
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The company took part in the 17th edition of ITMA, held in Milan from 12 to 19 November 2015. The fair is the largest international exhibition of machinery and technologies relating to the textile industry.
At the event, Albini Energia unveiled its self-cleaning heat exchanger for recovering heat from industrial waste, intended for both continuous and non-continuous lines.
The company also presented its engineering consulting services for the implementation of plant solutions for the textile supply chain.
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On 22 October 2015 at the Una Hotel Malpensa in Cerro Maggiore, Albini Energia, Sinergia and Energy Team held a joint conference dedicated to energy efficiency.
The conference covered a range of key aspects, from trading in energy vectors to consumption analysis, the design of solutions for efficiency and approaches to monitoring energy savings. Three industry leaders met to discuss solutions to improve energy efficiency in industry, and to examine the competitive advantages derived from the optimisation of resources.
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The company offers customers a heat exchanger that allows for the recovery of heat from waste water from industrial discharges from continuous lines, multi-lines and batch machines, slashing thermal energy costs to zero and achieving a payback time of between 8 and 14 months, in part due to the added advantage of being able to access the Energy Efficiency Credit incentive mechanism.
The exchanger boasts constant efficacy levels of more than 85%, thanks to a patented automatic cleaning system which removes impurities from waste water.
Albini Energia allows each customer to experience the full potential of the heat recovery system, with a free trial.
The heat exchanger is installed on the customer’s machinery for a sufficient period of time to allow for a proper assessment of the advantages the system offers; thanks to the automation system, which includes both process control (PLC) and supervision of the system (SCADA), the customer can monitor the operation of the heat exchanger at any given moment, personally verifying the results achieved in terms of economic and energy savings.
Compared to the ordinary heat recovery systems available on the market, the tube bundle structure of the Albini Energia exchangers and the pressure of the flows in and out guarantee increased efficacy, lower maintenance costs and faster returns on investment.
Each heat exchanger is designed and constructed in accordance with the specific requirements of each customer, through the dimensioning of the heat exchange surface and the adjustment of the type of module that compose the system.
Albini Energia technicians evaluate the characteristics of each system and design optimal tailored solutions, in order toe ensure that our customers enjoy the best possible savings.
To download the heat exchanger presentation brochure click here
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